Hello All,
Our team is presently organizing our monthly photography contests and they're open for public.
Please find the details (including requirements) as below:
November Theme: FLORA & FAUNA
December Theme: SCHOOL HOLIDAY
January Theme: BACK TO SCHOOL
The rules & guidelines are pretty simple.
- Contest Fee - $5 per theme
- HIP member can submit 4 photos per theme (max), for non-member 2 photos per theme (max)
- Size: 6R, withOUT border, glossy
- Photos can be edited but the colour remains natural. No black and white photo is allowed.
- Photos should ONLY be printed and stamped at Rose Photo Studio Tutong.
- Kindly put your HIP code (for member) and name (for non-member) at the back of your photos.
If you're interested to join our contest or should you have any queries on this, please contact either our PRO (Nanie 8735788/ Fizah 8772842/ Fazari 8900683) or secretary (Faizal 8985788) for contest entry form and answering to your queries.
November and December theme photos must be submitted latest on the 18th of January, 2008 (Sunday) before 8p.m.
January theme photos must be submitted before or on the 8th of February, 2009 (Sunday).
Kindly submit your photos together with your entry form. PLUS don't forget the contest fees!! Pass them on to our appointed collector (Eamy 8745788).
So guys... What are you waiting for? Grab your camera and do some nice shooting!! hehe..
Good Luck!!
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